[Avodah] HaShem as God's Name

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Thu Sep 11 17:01:48 PDT 2008

R' Moshe Y. Gluck wrote:
> So to say, "God bless you!" or "Gott tzu danken!" (and mean
> them) should be permitted, while saying, "God Almighty!"
> or "Shadai!" (I heard that this is popular in Israeli
> Chiloni circles?) should not.

I was hoping someone would mention this.

I have very clear memories of a gemara in which an amora (or maybe a tanna) was quoted as saying "Elo-him!" in a context which I was unable to tranlate in any manner other than as a meaningless exclamation. The gemara spelled that name with the usual five letters, and no fancy abbreviation marks. I've mean meaning to ask about it for many years, but unfortunately I've forgotten where it appeared. Does this ring a bell in anyone's memory? Anyone know where it appears?

Akiva Miller

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