[Avodah] Y'fas To'ar

Cantor Wolberg cantorwolberg at cox.net
Mon Sep 8 15:56:26 PDT 2008

The common thread of most responses regarding my being bothered by the  
laws of the y'fas to'ar is that it is beyond the soldier's control.
So my question is:  Are you all saying that every soldier will be  
unable to control himself?  And how do you explain the soldiers who DO  
control their yetzer hara,
assuming you believe there are some who can control their yetzer hara?

Following that logic, don't you think there are those who are unable  
to control their yetzer hara in another situation having nothing to do  
with the y'fas to'ar?  I'm sure there are other situations that would  
be comparable to the y'fas to'ar. Nevertheless, this is the only one  
where the Torah allows it with all of its restrictions. Actually, the  
eating of meat was supposedly allowed because it was thought that man  
could not control his impulse to eat meat. Well, I'm here to tell you  
that there are many vegetarians who don't even have a yetzer to eat  
Rav Kook was a vegetarian. Do you think that if eating meat was assur,  
most people would violate that halacha? I doubt it very much. To say  
that we were allowed to eat meat in order to give in to our aggressive  
impulses just doesn't fly.

I think the answers given regarding the y'fas to'ar are too pat.   
There was only one other person who said that it also bothered him. I  
would guess there are others out there who are also bothered by it but  
won't admit it in a public forum.

Kol tuv.

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