[Avodah] kingly G-d
Eli Turkel
eliturkel at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 08:36:32 PDT 2008
from areivim: IJT
When we say in Aleinu "Melech Malchei HaMLachim HaKadosh
Baruch Hu" are we not making religious statements about G-d that need
explaining? >>
Just as an aside in malchiot we quote 3 peskum in the Torah about G-d
being king.
These consist of 2 songs (poems - Az Yashir and Haazinu) from Moshe
Rabbenu and one from Bilaam. There is no fourth pasuk as so the one
used in Musaf is Shema Yisroel which doesn't mention melech.
Thus there is no pasuk in the Torah where G-d himself describes
himself as king. Only 3 verses of praise by men that use this
Eli Turkel
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