[Avodah] Buying a dirah
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Fri Jul 25 09:33:13 PDT 2008
We're discussing on Areivim the fellow who comes door to door asking
for money to help buy a dirah for a soon-to-marry couple. The question
is whether is qualifies as tzedaqah to buy a couple an apartment in an
expensive area just because that is their societal norm, where cheaper
apartments are available.
I would think that it's a case of dei machsero, as per Kesuvos 67b. Is
an apartment in a neighborhood that already has the neighbors you're
seeking more of a chiddush than a runner to go before your horse?
The Shitah Mequbetzes (Kesuvos 67b "afilu") tells the recipient only to
accept based on dei machsero if no one knows he lost his wealth. Perhaps
that would distinguish the cases -- no bushah. However, we're asking
from the giver's perspective.
I would therefore conclude that it is tzedaqah and would qualify as
maaser kesafim. (One of my per topics is the variety of shitos WRT MK.
Shelah: deOraisa, Maharil: deRabbanan, Bach: minhag at most -- possibly
minhag chassidus [uncertainty is the Bach's]!)
That said, prioritization of tzedaqos would place the chiyuv to support
the impoverished or a kallah's actual *needs* -- 2 kallos getting cheap
apartments vs 1 staying in Y-m -- should go first. Unless (for emotional
reasons,eg you know the people in the dei machsero case) you are moved by
someone's plight to give something that you would not have given another.
While on tangents about MK.... I believe that feeding your 12 yr old
daughter would qualify for maaser money. Don't think that's a great idea,
but in terms of the technical din... You have no chiyuv qua parenting
to feed or educate children who are gedolim. Shouldn't 100% of your HS
tuition quality -- once you already got to say Barukh shePatrani?
Micha Berger Never must we think that the Jewish element
micha at aishdas.org in us could exist without the human element
http://www.aishdas.org or vice versa.
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