[Avodah] [Areivim] TuM v TIDE
celejar at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 17:08:06 PDT 2008
On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 16:09:02 EDT
T613K at aol.com wrote [on Areivim, transferred here as per moderator
request, with her permission]:
> It is not reasonable to expect American laws to correspond point for point
> with halacha, nor is it necessary. Goyim are not mechuyav to keep halacha.
> One of their seven mitzvos is to set up their own system of courts and laws.
While Rambam (Shoftim 9:14) and Ramban (Breishis 34:13) agree that they
are obligated to establish a judicial system, it is not at all clear
that the commandment of Dinim includes an obligation to legislate, as
opposed to merely enforcing the seven Noahide laws. See, e.g., the
list of sources in the Frankel Sefer Ha'Mafteah (ibid. s.v. la'dun
b'shesh mizvos ailu - im danin al pi dinei yisrael o al pi nimuseihem).
> --Toby Katz
Bein Din Ledin - bdl.freehostia.com
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