[Avodah] Free Will vs. Physics

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Thu Sep 25 05:14:15 PDT 2008

From: Zev Sero _zev at sero.name_ (mailto:zev at sero.name) 

> If you meant to do  a mitzva and through no fault of your own you were 
> unable to complete  the action, you still get schar [--TK]

>>But not as if you had  actually done it.  The mitzvah didn't actually get
done, so its results  didn't happen.  The friend who was to get the kugel
surely appreciated  and was comforted by the thought, but she still had
to eat something  else.  That's physics too.<<


If you're zoche, your good intentions come to  fruition, if you're not zoche, 
they don't, and the mitzvos you wanted to do  don't actually get done.  What 
might you have done that caused you to be  rewarded with the ability to carry 
out your good intentions -- or not?   Schar mitzva mitzva.  I guess if you did 
something right you will have the  zechus of being able to do more things 
right.  By "doing something right" I  mean doing in the sphere where bechira 
actually reigns -- the sphere of  thinking, believing, desiring, wanting, trying 
and intending to do Hashem's  will (or not).  If your good intentions fail, 
presumably there was  something lacking in those original thoughts and intentions.

--Toby  Katz

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