[Avodah] Studying Daf Yomi and complex Gmarot

SBA sba at sba2.com
Wed Jun 6 09:09:07 PDT 2007

From: mkopinsky at gmail.com
> RSB wrote:
> > This masechet is filled with complex issues; issues which raise serious
> > moral and halachic implications.  Issues that should truly be dealt with
> > intensively and not during the 30+ minutes assigned to Daf Yomi.
> Typically, a DY shiur takes an hour.

Most DY shiurim I have seen in Chu"l are an hour, though I am aware of
shiurim that take 25-30 minutes.  In Israel, many DY shiurim are 30

I wonder if those 30 minute shiurim are the reason that some describe DY
as 'saying Tehilim'.

We have about half a dozen DY shiurim/groups in our shul and AFAIK they are
now all 4-5 blatt behind. (They all learn for an hour.)
So to make up, they are having extra sessions on Shabbos and Sunday,
hoping to catch up shortly.

Personally, if I had any say in it, I would suggest that the timetable be
reformatted slightly - by expert DY Magidei Shiur - so that when it comes to
easy gemoros/agadata etc - they learn maybe one and a half blatt and
when things get more complicated they do just an amud.

WADR to DY, I doubt that doing so, would cause anyone to be oyver
on any issur de'oyrayseh or derabonon...


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