[Avodah] yishuv EY

SBA sba at sba2.com
Wed May 30 07:32:52 PDT 2007

From: mkopinsky at gmail.com
> Amongst others it cites the Ramban (one of the main sources for of Mitzvas
> Yishuv EY bizman hazeh) on 'Vatitma Haaretz" (end of Parshas Achrei) and
> in Parshas Vayera on 'Vaneida osom', that sinning in EY is far, far worse
> than doing so in Chu'L.

The fact that sinning in EY is worse than sinning in Chu"l does not
necessarily mean that if one will sin at all one shouldn't make Aliyah.

I suppose that depends on the type of sin, and how and why it happens.

>>Rav Leff writes: "   The learned and G-d
fearing individual knows that Eretz Yisroel is the "palace of the King." A
higher, more exacting standard of behavior is demanded here. One might
reason that he should not introduce himself into a situation that may
demand more of him spiritually than he can deliver.  He may therefore opt
to remain in chutz laAretz rather than to abuse the sanctity of the Land.
(Such logic might have validity for a Jew absolutely uninterested in Torah
and mitzvos. In chutz laAretz, his transgressions would be less

That is exactly the type of person we have been discussing "a Jew
absolutely uninterested in Torah and mitzvos."


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