[Avodah] Rashi and geography

Shoshana L. Boublil toramada at bezeqint.net
Fri May 25 06:05:27 PDT 2007

> From: Yisrael Herczeg <yherczg1 at 013.net>
> Subject: Re: [Avodah] Rashi and geography

>>Working with the assumption that Kush is Ethiopia, it appears that Rashi
>>has it backwards. Any suggestions?
> Rashi seems to hold that Kush is India. See his comments to Yoma 34b and
> 81b, and Kiddushin 22b.

I asked my father (Prof. Aaron Skaist) about this one, and he told me that 
there are actually three possibilities:

A. The least known are the Kassites. They conquered Babylon and the area. 
Apparently it is suggested that they came from Iran

Here are 2 sources for further information:



The point is that in some Akkadian sources (the language they used at least 
at times) the name appears with a "shin" (K'sh).

They are also the closest geographical match for the "kush" in Bereishit.

B. Northern Sinai - in the Megilla when they talk about "MeiHodu VeAd Kush" 
they are actually talking about the border with Egypt.

C. Kush - Ethiopia.  This is actually a much later (historically speaking) 
usage of the term Kush.

Shoshana L. Boublil

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