[Avodah] Ascending Har Habayit

Shoshana L. Boublil toramada at bezeqint.net
Wed May 23 14:51:10 PDT 2007

> From: "Yisrael Medad" <yisrael.medad at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Avodah] Ascending Har Habayit

> A possible superimposition of the Temple courtyards over the current 
> Temple
> Mount:
> http://myrightword.blogspot.com/2007/05/possible-location-of-temple.html

This Shavu'ot my brother told us that he had been to Har HaBayit that 

Several things he said I consider important enough to share.

First, before going up the first time, he heard a lecture about the whole 
issue.  He said that the result was that he actually didn't go the first 
time he intended to go, b/c the lecture showed him the true import of Morah 
Mikdash and gave him much food for thought.  This time when he went, he 
didn't really have the words with which to describe the exprience.

Second, while it was my impression from the discussions here and elsewhere 
that it was extremely problematic to go on Har HaBayit b/c any second you 
could cross over onto forbidden territory, my brother said that Erev 
Shavu'ot he spent over an  hour(!) on the Mount, walking around continuously 
with 2 others who knew the exact boundaries.  So, there is apparently quite 
a bit of territory to walk, even when going according to the Most Machmir 
opinions on where you're not allowed to go!

Third, apparently the police accompany any obvious Jew (with kipa) and they 
too know the boundaries and warn when/if they are about to cross them.

Fourth the extent of the arab control is such that you can't even move your 
lips in prayer on the Temple Mount -- without getting thrown in jail.  The 
Wakf representatives follow the religious Jews closely, to prevent any 
possibility of prayer by a Jew on the Temple Mount.  Also, while tourists 
are allowed into the mosques, religious Jews are forbidden to enter.

There is  a lecture and tour, lasting 2 hours, by an expert Rabbi.  For 
details contact me privately.

Shoshana L. Boublil

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