[Avodah] Going up to Har HaBayis

Goldmeier goldmeier at 012.net.il
Mon May 21 08:59:36 PDT 2007

I would just like to add to two of R' Dov Bloom's points below that I 
1. I have been up in groups in which women were present. While the issue 
of nida makes it more difficult for women to ascend, it is possible. 
They have to refrain from sexual relations for three days prior to 
ascending, along with going to the mikva...
2. I once went up and was joined by Tuvia Sagiv. He is the proponent of 
the main opinion opposing the Radba"z. He is of the opinion that the 
mikdash was much further south than the location of the Dome of the Rock 
platform. In deference to him, while we normally walk around following 
the opinion of the Radba"z, on that occassion we were machmir like both 
the Radbaz and Sagiv, and we avoided the whole southern area (we walked 
around to the left on the northern side, and then doubled back instead 
of making the full circle.)


goldmeier at 012.net.il


Dov Bloom wrote:
> Har habayit is considered machane leviah, and forbidden to a zav, zava, nidah, yoledet and baal keri. That is why those who ascend to har habayit all go to the mikve immediately before, and women are not part of these groups.  There are 4 hour and 16 hour "courses" preparing people before they ascend, where they learn the relevant dinnim.
> An important question is to delineate the exact areas that are mutar. Those who go up on har habayit after going to the mikve, and while not wearing leather shoes , basicly follow what is know as the Radbaz's shita. This allows them to make a circuit keeping relatively close to the walls, see ad be close to the makom hamikdash, while staying away from the area near "the dome above the rock" which many shitot hold is "even hashtiya". 

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