[Avodah] Z"L in English

Zvi Lampel hlampel at thejnet.com
Sun May 20 09:12:56 PDT 2007

From: "Rich, Joel" JRich at sibson.com Wed, 16 May 2007:

> See kiddushin 31b [8 lines from the bottom] and the maharsha there last one] referring to bereshit 18:18
(and Rashi there) implying it's the "source of blessing" approach. <

This is how I see it: Meharsha is pointing out that "zichrono l'bracha" is said  for live people as well as dead, but with dead, the phrase "l'chayay ha-olom ha-ba"  is added. Pashtus, the first phrase means the same in both cases. Maharsha cites the posuk (Breishis 18:17-18) about Avraham. He's referring to the understanding of the Gemora (Yuma 38b) and Midrash Rabba (on the posuk) which points out that upon mentioning (Rashi: ha-mazkir) a tsaddik, one should interrupt to give him a blessing, just as once Hashem mentioned Avraham, he interrupted to give him the bracha "may he become a great nation..."), in accordance with the posuk in Mishlei (10:7) "Zecher Tsaddik L'bracha." This is also said regarding Noach: These are the generations of Noach--Noach was a righteous man, etc." (the bracha in this case being a compliment).When a person already passed away (and after 12 months can be considered a tsaddik), the appropriate blessing is that he will gain the pleasure of olom ha-bah.

My chavrusa tells me he heard of someone who long ago would write to others with the salutation "Zecher Tsaddik L'vracha." This practice would no doubt raise eyebrows now, and mislead historians about individual's lifespans..

However, the Ibn Ezra on Mishlei understands Hashem to be the "zocheir," which probably means, "May He remember, (consider) this person worthy of a beracha.

Zvi Lampel

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