[Avodah] Maariv Bezman

A & C Walters acwalters at bluebottle.com
Wed May 16 13:33:36 PDT 2007

After some research as to what the minhag is, lemayse, it comes out azoy:

The Chofetz Chaim personally was noheg like the first deih (to daven only SE
with the tzibbur)
Most poskim seem to hold like this. The SO however, appears to be cholek.
However the Ketzoys HaShulchan 6:12 beshem the Tzemach Tzedek that this only
applies to someone who is not makpid on davening bezman. However, someone
who is usually yes makpid, even the SO would agree with the first deih

RMF (IM OC chelek beis 60) brings down BOTH deyhes, and says it is
impossible to be machria, and either minhag is good. He says, however, that
the whole makholkes is what is better, birchas KS bezman, or smichas geulah
letefila. Tefillah betzibbur is doiche both, however. That which the Gr"o
argues is against most rishonism as is only for those which consistantly
pasken like the Gr"o in other things. HOWEVER, if the time of the minyan is
a time when you occasionally daven Mincha, it appears that tefillah bezmano
is docheh tefilla bezibbur. Optionally. (For example, if the only maariv
minyan is before the shkia, and you sometimes daven mincha till the shkia,
(even if not this day, and k"v if also today) or you sometimes daven mincha
after the shkia (ie before RT shkia) and  there is no RT minyan  then you
can daven beyechidus later) If you really want to daven with the tzibbur,
you may, BUT only SE and say KS with brochos later.

Kol Tuv

A Y Walters
> R' Shmuel Kamenetsky told my BIL to do this, l'chatchila, when 
> davening in a Mincha-right-before-Shkiah-Ma'ariv-right-after minyan. A 
> different Posek, however, told me that the minhag is to daven 
> everything with the Tzibbur.

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