[Avodah] Maariv Bezman

Moshe Yehuda Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Mon May 14 16:47:11 PDT 2007

R' Akiva Miller:
*HOWEVER I must admit that if the above is accurate, then it is NOT
*TRUE that the Gra would say that it is better to daven a late maariv
*without a minyan than an early maariv with a minyan. Rather, he would
*say to daven Shmoneh Esreh with the early minyan, and to say Shma and
*Brachos later -- just like the case of where one walks into shul to
*find them ready to start the Maariv Shmoneh Esreh.

R' Shmuel Kamenetsky told my BIL to do this, l'chatchila, when davening in a
Mincha-right-before-Shkiah-Ma'ariv-right-after minyan. A different Posek,
however, told me that the minhag is to daven everything with the Tzibbur.


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