[Avodah] Torah Study vs. Other Contributions to Society

Doron Beckerman beck072 at gmail.com
Mon May 14 16:25:54 PDT 2007

RMB says:
>> In any case, a statement about interrupting a mitzvah can't be taken
to be one about prioritization. <<

That wasn't the source quoted for this discussion. The source was the Gemara
in Megillah which states that Talmud Torah is indeed greater than Hatzalas
Nefashos as a choice of prioritization. This is what the Chafetz Chaim was
talking about.

>> To never leave the "ivory towers" of talmud Torah to apply that Torah
beguf and to the real world would be form with no substance, empty and
without embodiment. <<

What of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and his group, who are granted Toraso
Umanuso exemptions from Mitzvos Ma'asiyos?

There is no question that a professional who dedicates time to Limmud and
Harbatzas Torah is laudable. The question is whether that choice is inferior
to a full time Torah study lifestyle  with no other significant tangible
contribution to society other than Torah study.

>> Second, as I said on top, the mishnah calls on us to have equal
zehirus for all mitzvos -- even ones that are qalos in some ways
compared to others! So how can we then take talmud torah keneged kulam
as proof to give it more zehirus? <<

As above, that isn't the source that proves this. And, who is advocating
less Zehirus in other Mitzvos?
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