[Avodah] Davening Netz vs. Minyan

Danny Schoemann doniels at gmail.com
Thu May 10 01:04:01 PDT 2007

R' Michael Kopinsky asked:
Does anyone know of psakim on the permissibility/recommendability of
davening netz, thereby missing tefillah b'tzibbur?

You will find it in the the Biur Halocho on 58:1 - Umitzva Min Hamuvchar:
"Know that those who are careful to read Shma with the sunrise may do
so, and daven by themselves, if they don't have a minyan. More than
that, from the Mishna  in Brachos 22  it seems that you may do so even
without Tefilin."

(This refers to the Mishna that says that if you're in the mikve when
the sun's about to rise you may muddy the waters and say Shma.)

- Danny (who missed davening at sunrise about half a dozen times in
the past decade.)

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