[Avodah] Parshas Behar (Bahar?)

Zvi Lampel hlampel at thejnet.com
Tue May 8 14:28:17 PDT 2007

Mon, 7 May 2007 "Mike Miller" avodah at mikeage.net wrote: 

On 5/7/07, Zvi Lampel <hlampel at thejnet.com> wrote:
> >> Does anyone know the name of this week's Sedra is not changed from
> >> Behar to Bahar, for the same reasons that Bemidbar becomes Bamidbar?<<
>> Hypothesis: The names of the parshios Be'har, Sh'mos and B'midbar were
> always (and still are) pronounced in their possesive form. The spelling
> "Bamidbar" with an "a" is a recent American or English rendition, the origin
> of which should be researched. (Any texts available by which to check this
> ?)<<

>Interesting. I was always under the impression that Bamidbar was
actually correct (with a patach), as b'midbar sinai is grammatically
correct, but just b'midbar is missing a direct object (is that the
right grammatical term?), and thus it's changed to the definitive

Checked it out in the Concordancia, and any and every time (about 25 times, to be pedantic) "B_Midbar" is modified by the name of a desert, it's B'Midbar, not BA-Midbar. The only time it's "BA-midar" (when the word is not standing alone) is in the passage "BaMidbar HaGadol HaZeh." 

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