[Avodah] Special Case of Name-Calling

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Sun May 6 20:49:55 PDT 2007


>>An anecdotal raayah for the same psak, would be a story I've  heard 
many times of where the baby's father (grandfather?) was near death,  
and they wanted to delay the bris until after, so that they could 
name  the baby after him.

The rav's psak was to do the bris sooner, rather than  later, so that 
the mitzvah would be an additional zechus for his. They did  so, and 
the patient recovered. (Anyone recall this story, and who it was  

Akiva Miller

Heard a slightly different reason /not/ to delay the bris, viz., that the  
malach Rephael comes to every bris to heal the baby and as long as he was there  
anyway, would heal the grandfather too.  (I don't know how this would work  
if the grandfather was in the ICU rather than in the same house with the baby  
but I think the story happened a long time ago.)

--Toby  Katz

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