[Avodah] R Asher Weiss

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Wed Apr 18 19:06:27 PDT 2007


>>"V'im ein lo, machlif im chaveiro, zeh sholeich l'zeh  seudaso v'zeh 
sholeiach l'zeh seudaso.... 

Can anyone see why  this is mentioned (by Chazal)  by mishloah manot, but not 
by matanot  l'evyomin?<<

Saul Mashbaum 

Seems to me that the two cases have different purposes.  The purpose  of 
shalach manos is much like the purpose of Areivim -- to create a chavershaft,  
friendly feelings and unity between Jews.  The obvious way to do that is  for me 
to send you gifts and you to send me gifts.  The purpose of matanos  
le'evyonim is to make sure that the poor are provided for.  If two poor  people each 
give each other their last piece of bread, neither one's situation  has been 
ameliorated, and the purpose of matanos le'evyonim has not been  achieved.

--Toby  Katz

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