[Avodah] 10 pieces of Chometz

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Sun Apr 8 00:10:35 PDT 2007

R' Elliott Shevin  <eshevin at hotmail.com>  wrote:

>>But I've never put out any chometz before the  bedika....

2) It's possibly self-defeating. What if you fail to find  one of the
pieces you put out?<<

I know this is very obvious but for that very reason I write it:  You  put 
out ten pieces precisely so that you will know exactly how many pieces you  put 
out!  How then can you "fail to find one"?
Everyone uses that same number so you don't have to remind yourself how  many 
pieces you put out.  If you count nine pieces when you're done, you  know you 
missed one.  And if you just can't find one of the pieces even  after looking 
for it -- then you didn't look well enough!  So you need  to do your bedikas 
chometz better.  (One person should hide the  bread and the other should look 
-- there's no fun and not much sense in  looking for what you yourself "hid," 
is there? Afterwards, presumably the person  who hid the bread remembers where 
she hid it.   So how could it ever  happen that you look and look and just 
/can't find/ that tenth piece of  bread?!)
Someone came up with a brilliant new Pesach invention -- they keep coming  up 
with stuff -- this one is a package of ten pieces of bread, each in a sealed  
plastic, so when you find the bread after hiding it, there are no crumbs.   
But then someone who bought this super-convenient pre-packaged chometz, when he 
 went to his shul for the big burning, was told that the shul would not  
allow anyone to put plastic in the fire because burning plastic releases toxins  
into the air, so he had to take the bread /out of/ the  plastic   So it didn't 
turn out to be so convenient after all.  

--Toby  Katz

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