[Avodah] Authorship of the Mishnah Berurah (re: tzitzit in or out)

Michael Elzufon Michael at arnon.co.il
Mon Jun 11 04:27:13 PDT 2007

To RET's comment quoted above, I remind that the CC wore his 
tzitzit inside.  When his son-in -law and grandson pointed 
out to him that this was not what was recommended in the MB, 
they reported that he replied that his talmidim had written 
that text and they misunderstood what he meant.

I believe that what he meant was that, if the beged is worn 
outside, the tzitzit should not be hidden inside.


[[MJE]] Pardon my ignorance, but is there any documentation for this?
Was the Mishnah Berurah written down by talmidim rather than by the
Hafetz Haim himself?

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