[Avodah] FW: [Areivim] Figs [was: Yet More About Strawberries]

Chana Luntz chana at kolsassoon.org.uk
Thu Jun 7 15:01:40 PDT 2007

Bounced from Areivim again (and I didn't even quote any sources ;-(  )

RZS writes:

> Shoshana L. Boublil wrote:
> > Anything you can't see (without a magnifying glass!!!!) -- WAS NOT
> > THERE halachically.
> And still isn't.  NOBODY claims that we have to worry about
> insects that are invisible to the naked eye.  The problem is 
> with insects that *are* big enough to be visible, but only if 
> you're looking right at them, and know how to distinguish 
> them from their background, etc.

Of course that raises the question as to whether there was a tradition
on how to distinguish them that has now been lost (if you need to learn
to be able to see them, then presumably you need to be taught) which we
are now "rediscovering" by means of magnifying glasses and such.  Is the
assumption that this was taught as part of the mimetic tradition handed
down between mother and daughter and that is why there is no mention of
such training in the classic texts?

Other factors to consider:  - what is the level of eyesight needed to be
able to see such bugs for them to count?  As our ancestors did not have
access to glasses, I doubt very much that the average, even young,
housewife necessarily had 20/20 vision and certainly not the more
elderly. Yet I never heard tell of taking one's fruit and vegetables to
the bodek of the town with the good eyesight.  Or can a household where
the wife is myopic be permitted larger bugs than those where her
eyesight is better?  Can we assume that 20/20 is the norm or
exceptionally good?  Does it matter that it seems to me, anacdotally,
that the Jews have a tendency towards myopia?  Did Leah imanu take all
of her vegetables to Rachel for checking?

To what extent does flurescent and other modern forms of lighting
provide better abilities to see such bugs that sunlight (which
presumably our ancestors used)?  Is it just that it is more comfortable
to use such light, or is there a real difference between the size of
bugs that can be seen by the (average?) naked eye in sunlight and under
modern lighting?

Even RSB writes "Hilchot bugs used to be much simpler:

Soak the vegetable in salt/vinegar water., "

Is it necesssarily true that vinegar was so easily available that it
could be used for soaking vegetables in days gone by? 

> Zev Sero               Something has gone seriously awry with 



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