[Avodah] husband opens the Aron HaKodesh

SBA sba at sba2.com
Thu May 31 07:32:28 PDT 2007

From: Zev Sero <>
Katz, Steve wrote:
> There is a well-known "/_Segula_/" that when a woman is expecting a
> child, her husband opens the Aron HaKodesh for Keriat HaTorah as a sign
> that she should have an easier time in delivering her baby.

Is there *any* source for this?

In addition to sources given by R'Aryeh Stein in diest 23:466,
the Likutei Maharich mentions it from the Sefer Zechirah (which I am
told is from a Rishon - possibly the Roke'ach) and the Avodas Hakodesh
and adds 'veyesh lo semach al pi sod'.

The Minhag Yisroel Torah also cites the Chida in Moreh B'Etzba 3:90.

However, in the 'Hashmottess' of MYT [vol 3] it has a real 'chiddush'  -
quoting Kuntres Birchas Efrayim by R' Efrayim Segal
[ABD Koyl, niftar shnas 5591]:

"Bonay, lo sishkechu lehanhig hakabala me'adonenu haRashba - shemotzosi
kosuv bishmoy - sheyargil ha'odom be'eis she'ishtoy me'uberes,
likach pesichas aron hakodesh mechodesh hashvei'i vo'eilech
BESHIR ANIM ZEMIROS, ulehagid tefilah asher yosim Hashem befiv,
veyihyeh leratzon.."

Thus it seems that while Pesicha to Krias hatorah is recommended from the
9th month onwards, Pesicha for Anim Zemiros should be done from the 7th 


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