[Avodah] yishuv EY

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed May 30 14:57:48 PDT 2007

Shoshana L. Boublil wrote:

>> So, how do they explain the posuk 'vatovou vatetamu es artzi' ?
> Last I heard, many rabbis used this pasuk to refer to those who live their 
> lives in Chutz La'aretz, but when they are dead (Avi Avot HaTum'ah) - that's 
> when they remember Israel and come to be buried here.

Who would those rabbis be, and what gives them the right to use the
pasuk in such a way?

> If there was any kind of source and truth to the idea that fearing sins 
> would exempt one from coming to Israel, rabbis, from Rambam to the GR"A, 
> including Sh"A and others, wouldn't state categorically that a woman/man can 
> force their spouse to make Aliyah.

"If there was any kind of source and truth"?  What about all the sources
RSBA has just quoted, starting with R Chaim Cohen and the Sefer Charedim?
I'm sure RAYK and all those others who encouraged aliyah have ways of
dealing with these sources, but you can't just dismiss them as irrelevant.

> BTW, Rav Zeira that was quoted has an interesting tale connected to him
> and Israel.   His rabbi, Rav Yehuda, was concerned with going to Israel.
> Despite this R' Zeira made Aliyah from Bavel.

And who says that he was right?  The Rambam rules halacha lemaaseh that
it's forbidden to leave Bavel for EY, and I'm not aware of anyone who
rules differently.  (The Jews who left in 1949 were in a status of
pikuach nefesh.  In any case, though I have no proof, I'm sure that any
reason which overrides the prohibition against leaving EY would apply
equally to Bavel.)

> He later fasted to forget Torah Chutz La'aretz...

Did he?  Or did he fast in penance for his sin of leaving Bavel, and
forgot Torat Chu"l as a result of his fasting?

Zev Sero               Something has gone seriously awry with this Court's
zev at sero.name          interpretation of the Constitution.
                       	                          - Clarence Thomas

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