[Avodah] R' Unna on Kol Isha

Jonathan Baker jjbaker at panix.com
Mon May 28 09:31:22 PDT 2007

If people are still interested, a PDF of R' Unna's teshuvah on girls'
choral groups is now available on


He construes kol isha narrowly, following the Rishonim, indicating that
none of the poskim use the gemara in Sotah about men & women singing being
like a fire in flax, which might actually asser such choral performances.
If one chooses to be machmir on himself, he should be machmir on himself
davka, and not make a public protest.

        name: jon baker              web: http://www.panix.com/~jjbaker
     address: jjbaker at panix.com     blog: http://thanbook.blogspot.com

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