[Avodah] Non Terief Cows for Milk - Why Not BP Cows? Even Better.

Dr. Josh Backon backon at vms.huji.ac.il
Thu May 10 13:16:08 PDT 2007

>There is an additional benefit. The Acharonim argue about the status of a
>Ben Pekuah's milk; is it Chalav Shechuta and therefore Pareve or is it
>Chalav of a "mother", an Eim (as in Lo SeVuShel BeChalav Imo) and therefore
>"normal" milk? At least the ShaAr HaMelech and R Akiva Eiger consider BP
>milk to be pareve.
>I believe that Rabbi Moshe Heinemann was once toying with the notion of
>setting up a Ben Pekuah Kosher herd for meat production. Has anyone heard of
>such a thing?

This could be done only on a deserted island where there is NO 
possibility whatsoever
of mating a Ben Pekuah herd with "normal" cows [see Aruch haShulchan YD 13 #12
"oto ha'vlad ein la takana b'shechita "  and Aruch haShulchan YD 13 # 15]

[From a post I had on this topic on another group]

Re: mixing meat of a Ben Pekuah with milk:

a) "tzarich iyun" (needs further examination) [R. Akiva Eiger]
b) Only due to SAFEK (doubt) may it be forbidden (Meshivat Nefesh YD]
c) Nodah B'Yehuda: prohibited

Although according to Torah law this animal when grown
doesn't require shechita (Yoreh Deah 13:2) Chazal prohibited this
and even in the case of mating a male *ben pekuah* with a female *ben
[bat] pekuah* (YD 13:4) the offspring of which wouldn't have the halachic
category of meat according to Toraitic law.

BTW a more intriguing possibility would be a *ben pekuah* found in a
*chaya* (deer, or other kosher wild animal YD 87:3). Eating a CHAYA with
milk is only a rabbinic prohibition. But if one could mate a male ben
pekuah of a chaya with a female ben (bat) pekuah of a chaya, the offspring
wouldn't even be prohibited rabbinically (as meat) especially if this
"meat" were then fried in butter made from deer milk and cooked by solar

But kids, don't do this at home :-)


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