[Avodah] tachanun - avel, chattan & brit

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Wed May 2 03:52:38 PDT 2007

We recently had an avel in shiva in our minyan. A quick check verified
that one says tachanun. It is only in the house of the shiva that tachanun
is not said. OTOH tachanun is omitted if there is a chatan in the
minyan. For a Brit Milah it is omitted even if the Brit is at another
minyan in the same shul even if none of the participants are at this
particular minyan. The question is
1. why does shiva not affect Tachanun of the tzibbur (not in his house)
2. A chatan stops Tachanun but only in his minyan
3. A Brit stops tachanun in all minyanim in the same shul

kol tuv

Eli Turkel
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