[Avodah] When may Yidden drink???

SBA areivim at sba2.com
Thu Apr 26 08:28:19 PDT 2007

Nice vort from the Rebbe Reb Hershel Zidichoyver zt'l that I heard tonight
at a Shiur.

In Parshas Shemini (10:9) "Yayin vesheichor al tesht..." - one should not
drink wine,    except for -

"Ato uvonecho itoch" - when you sit at the seder with your children,
''bevoyachem el Ohel Moyed" - when you come together at the Rebbe's,
"velo somusu" - at a Seudas Hodo'eh,
"Chukas Oylom" - at a Bris (ie, Veyamideho leYaakov lechok leYisroel 
      Bris Olom),
"Ledoroyseichem" - at weddings.
"Ulehavdil bein hakodesh uvein hachol" - refers to Kiddush and Havdolo,
"Uvein hatomei uvein hatohor" - on Purim (Haman and Mordechai),
"Ulehoros es Bnei Yisroel eis kol hachukim asher dibeir Hashem" - at 
     a Siyum Mesechteh.


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