[Avodah] Concerning ourselves with the world at large

Aryeh Stein aesrusk at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 08:14:08 PDT 2007

>>>I only have one Makor for this idea, that we, as Jews, should concern
ourselves with the well-being of the world at large.>>>

Well, here's a makor for the idea that we, as Jews, perhaps should not
concern ourselves with the well-being of the world at large.

In OC 694:3 (halachos of matanos l'evyonim), the MB states that if one
gives a p'rutah  to a gentile, this constitutes "gezel" from the
[jewish] aniyim (unless done for purposes of darkei shalom).

Perhaps a similar analysis can be made WRT to a giving of one's money
and time to causes outside of our
community - perhaps this constitutes gezel from those causes within
our community.

Given that we have a limited amount of resources (money and time),
perhaps we have a halachic obligation to devote these resources solely
to causes within our community (unless done for purposes of darkei

KT and CKvS,

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