[Avodah] Orla

A & C Walters acwalters at bluebottle.com
Thu May 17 13:20:53 PDT 2007

This is halachically fine for vegetables, but what about fruit?!? What about
orla? Not only is orla the hardest thing to give hashkocho on (according to
Mashgicim in the Eida Chareidis), but since orla cannot be sold here,
because even the Rabinut won't give a hechsher, to generally it is exported.
So apart from the halocho of sofek orla bEY lechumra, in metzius a lot of it
is, l"a probably vadai orla?

> Israeli fruits and vegetables are sometimes sold in local stores (e.g. 
> peppers from Costco). While one should be eager to purchase this 
> produce and support the Israeli economy, it is important to carefully 
> follow the Halachos relating to separation of Terumos & Ma'asros.

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