[Avodah] donating blood

Dr. Josh Backon backon at vms.huji.ac.il
Sat Mar 17 23:08:18 PDT 2007

>Someone claimed that donating blood to the Red Cross is against halacha
>since one is "harming oneself" and most receipients are nonJewish.
>Seemed strange to me as most poskim allow even violating shabbat on behalf
>of a NonJew because of possible sinah. Why would donating blood be any
>Any opinions (piskei halachot) ?

The Nishmat Avraham (Yoreh Deah 349) [p.265] discusses blood donation 
and quotes
the Iggrot Moshe (CM  103) "yesh taam gadol shelo le'esor"; and RSZA 
who permits
since  it's a n"mitva gedola shel hatzalat nefesh m'yisrael". [The 
Iggrot Moshe was
noch referring to someone donating blood in the USA for $$$ !!]

On the issue of "harming oneself" the Nishmat Avraham quotes the 
Rambam (Hilchot Chovel
u'Mazzik  5:1) who limits the issur of physical damage done to others 
only if it's "derech nitzayon"
(or "bizayon". If it's for any "toelet" (or with the permission of 
the person) there's no issur. Ditto
see the Minchat Chinuch 48.



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