[Avodah] Paper Towels

Yisrael Medad yisrael.medad at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 14:44:03 PST 2007

Michael Kopinsky" <mkopinsky at gmail.com>
writes about the taking of paper towels from someone who took them from the
schule's paper towel dispenser without first asking in a sitaution of
immediate hygienic need that "this Sha'ailah could be very relevant".

My point was that why does this need to be in the category of a
"she'ailah"?  It should be in the realm of common manners - if you have a
real need, and it is immediate, anyone would give you the handkerchief out
of his pocket (or in a similar situation, I have seen women lend other
mothers tissues for their babies, etc.).  So, if the paper towels were
common property, why get picayune and seek to apply Halacha?

Yisrael Medad
Mobile Post Efraim 44830
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