[Avodah] Megila on Shabbos

Marty Bluke marty.bluke at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 04:17:35 PST 2007

R' Danny Schoemann asked
<The question arose tonight in Daf Yomi, how come we read Megilas Shir
haShirim and Koheles davka on Shabbos - and M. Esther cannot be read on

The answer may be that there is no chiyuv on each individual to read Koheles
or Shir Hashirim, at best it is a chiyuv on the tzibbur while Megilas Esther
is a chiyuv on each person. Chazal were only choshesh where there is a
chiyuv on individuals. Acharonim use this rationale to explain how come we
lain from the torah every shabbos.
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