[Avodah] daily halachot

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Sat Jan 20 21:29:59 PST 2007

From: "Eli Turkel" _eliturkel at gmail.com_ (mailto:eliturkel at gmail.com) 

>> He said that the custom in bakeries (though I find it in  many stores) is 
when there are many baked goods they are put into a  cardboard basket and
then weighted. Thus one is paying for the cardboard but  at a price that is
determined by the inside products (in Israel he estimated  between 1 and
2 1/2 shekel). He claims that this is onaah from the Torah.  <<
There is a frum-owned candy store here in NMB where you choose the gift  
basket or box you want and then they fill it with the candy and weigh it.   What 
they do is, they put the basket on the scale and then set the scale to  zero, 
so that you are indeed only paying for the weight of the candy or nuts and  not 
the weight of the container.  
In the new kosher bakery that just opened, I noticed just yesterday that  the 
owner weighed the cardboard box before putting cake into it, wrote down the  
weight and then subtracted that weight from the weight of the cake before  
calculating the price.  This seemed a rather time-consuming procedure to  me, 
which he will have to streamline when (I"YH) his store becomes really busy,  but 
I did take note of his Yiras Shomayim.

--Toby  Katz

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