[Avodah] "Bar'chuni l'shalom" (was "Re: ikkarim redux"); Re: Amen

MPoppers at kayescholer.com MPoppers at kayescholer.com
Sat Mar 31 23:32:12 PDT 2007

In Avodah Digest V23#69, Micha conversed rhetorically:
> Don't you say "Borchuni leshalom mal'akhei hashalom"?
(As a point of fact, I don't....) <
Perhaps it would settle Micha's mind to consider "Bar'chuni" (tangentially,
not "Borchuni": I think it's a qamatz gadol and a sh'va na', and since
Micha transliterated the 4th word's qamatz gadol as "a," seemed like he
considered it a QQ) a request for the fulfillment of RYbY's ma'amar in BT
Shabbos (QG ;-)) 119b re the "good" malach.  If anything, as I think we've
discussed before, it's "*mi*Melech" which is troublesome, and I instead say
"Melech" after I come home from shul.

P.S. Speaking of BT Shabbos 119b, I was waiting for someone to note the
opinion of Reish Laqish (saying "Amein" with all one's strength) in
response to the RAYK-related article I asked RYL to post (thread "Amen").
Since no one did, now's as good a time as any :-).  That said, (a) it's
apparently not l'halacha; and (b) perhaps one can be m'chaleiq even in re
to the ma'amar of RYbL (which *is* l'halacha, e.g. SA OC 56:1) between
saying "amein" (which, as per RAYK, should be in consonance with the sayer
of Qaddish) and saying "y'hei Shmeih rabba m'varach" (which should be with
all one's strength), especially as the g'mara brings a pasuq which
seemingly relates only to the "m'varach" component.

Chag Sameach and all the best from
--Michael Poppers via RIM pager
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