[Avodah] Yated Apparently Creates an Issur (UPDATED)

Jonathan Baker jjbaker at panix.com
Thu Mar 29 17:04:22 PDT 2007

The Yated article cites Rashi to Bamidbar 19:2 (zot chukat hatorah) in
telling R' Linzer that he's wrong to express difficulty reconciling
certain mitzvot (e.g. killing Amalek, male-initiated divorce, and the
death-penalty for MZ) with what he considers moral.  Only problem is,
Rashi, and the Gemara he cites (Yoma 67b) as explained by Rashi, prohibit
second-guessing chukim, and chukim alone.  Mishpatim, such as the ones
R' Linzer has trouble with - that the Gemara does not rule on.

So the Yated appears to falsify the Torah (ziyuf haTorah), inventing a
prohibition from Chazal where the texts do not support it.  It's one
thing to invent a strawman by spinning the words of a YCT musmach, but
to invent an issur where there is none - well, clearly it's the same
mechanism at work, but in this case, it's well beyond the pale.

See http://tinyurl.com/33n6fz for a longer treatment.

        name: jon baker              web: http://www.panix.com/~jjbaker
     address: jjbaker at panix.com     blog: http://thanbook.blogspot.com

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