[Avodah] [Areivim] Rabbi Rapoport, Yased Neeman and YCT

Moshe Yehuda Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 19:19:36 PDT 2007

R' MB on Areivim:
*I would hate to think that it's un-Torah-dik to speak up against (what one
*perceives to be) genocide in Darfur as opposed to what we accuse the world
*not doing when it was our heads on the chopping block.
*Expanding O in that direction would thrill me, as long as we do not forget
*"aniyei irekha qodemin" (even a metphoric 'irekha').

I only have one Makor for this idea, that we, as Jews, should concern
ourselves with the well-being of the world at large. It is from Ramchal, in
the Hakdamah to Mesillas Yesharim: "The general rule for this (Halichah
B'drachav - MYG) is that a person should act in all his ways based on
uprightness and forethought (Hayosher V'hamussar - MYG). Chazal generalized
it as, "Anything which is harmonious both to its performer and to the
observer." This means that one goes to the n-th degree of doing good, which
is that its result is the strengthening of Torah and _repairing
relationships between nations._"

Does anyone have any other Makoros for this concept?


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