[Avodah] man(na), Haman, Moshe

Tamar Weissman tamarweissman at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 21 10:05:22 PST 2007

Hello...I'm in need of clarification.
Clearly there's a link between Moshe and Haman (Haman's happiness at lot falling in Adar, month of Moshe Rabbeinu's petirah).  
1)  Can someone explain Haman's happiness beyond the superficiality of "bad-luck-month Adar?"  In other words, perhaps Haman felt that the reason for Moshe's death (hitting the rock instead of talking to it) promised the success of his endeavor to wipe out Am Yisrael.  Why?
2) "Lo nitna haTorah ela l'ochlei HaMan"  -- who is willing to apply this to dor Esther v'Mordechai?
3) Man(na) ceasing on 16 Nissan, same day as Haman's death.  Explain.

Thanks in advance,

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