[Avodah] Changing Havarah

A & C Walters acwalters at bluebottle.com
Tue Jan 2 14:33:28 PST 2007

> On 12/31/06, A & C Walters <acwalters at bluebottle.com> wrote:
>> The Rabeinu Bechaye in parshas vayero says that someone who changes a 
>> komotz
>> to a pasach could lead to kefira.
> On which word does he say this? (Just so I can look it up.)

Bereishis 18:3 "Vayomer Hashem/Adoynoy (see Rashi et al if it is a Shem 
Kodosh or shem chol; also see below in RBc) im na metzosi chein beinecho"

I will translate and paraphrase here, but ayin shom as it is a fascinating 
shktil, and the translation doesn't do it justice.

...The nekudo of kometz has a big mayle and is the first of the seven 
tenuos...the difference between a kometz and a pasach is only in one nekudo, 
and the whole mayle of the kometz is in the shape of one nekudo...since one 
dot changes a seirei to a segol and a pasach to a kometz and a chirik to a 
shva etc someone who adds or subtracts one dot destroys the world....even 
though it seems that there is no difference between a kometz and a pasach, 
this is not so, in that the kometz is a higher sound and the pasach is 
lower. This reflects on the fact that the nature of the kometz is yoreh on a 
big mayle and on something which stands by itself, and is not soymeich on 
anything else.... and for this reason haShem is written with a kometz not a 
pasach...The difference between a kometz and a pasach is the difference 
between light and dark and between holy and profane and therefore we find 
that if a pasach is substituted for a kometz it will definitely lead to 
either a false understanding in the posuk or will lead to KEFIRA...some 
baalei dikduk also add that a kometz represents emes and a pasach is 

See there for examples and the full loshen. I think, however that my 
translation is still in context. Also note that since RBc was a Sefardi (I 
think) there is a difference even for them, k"v Ashkenaizim


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