[Avodah] Tzeit

Jeffrey Saks atid at atid.org
Mon Mar 5 07:00:32 PST 2007

There is a potential confusion within the discussion about Tzeit HaKokhavim, end of fasts, Shabbat, etc.
In the case of Tekiat Shofar on Motzai YK: technically one is allowed to blow during Bein HaShmashot (i.e., before Tzeit), since it is not a melachah, but a "chochmah", therefore it is permitted as a "shvut ba-makom mitzvah" -- see Mishnah Brura 623:12.
In practice however, the Luach (both Rav Tukachinsky and the Heichal Shlomo) says to wait 20 minutes after Shkiah for Tekiat Shofar (and 32 minutes after shkiah for havdala/melacha). In Israel this creates a problem of wanting to get to Birkhat Kohanim for Neilah before Shkiah, then having to shlep out everything else (Avinu Malkeinu, etc.) to fill the time. If anyone has a creative solution to this problem -- aside from paskening like the Mishnah Brura over the Luach -- I'd be delighted to hear it. 
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