[Avodah] onaah

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 04:35:32 PST 2007

One of the Nosei Keilim there points out that the Ramban AHT writes that
really Ona'ah Kol shehu is assur mid'oraisa.  He holds that the entire din
of Tashlumin for Ona'ah is Mid'rabanan, >>

The harder question is that given a capitalist society how does one measure
onaah especially small amounts. No product has a set price as stores sell the
identical product at different prices.
If even a kol shehu is prohibited that ,ight i,ply any store above average price
is violating a Torah prohibition. Of course thats impossible by
defintion of an average.
Rem,ind sone of the old joke of the principal who says that all
students in his school
are above average for the school

Eli Turkel

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