[Avodah] Sinai - Rambam - heard all or nothing?

Daniel Eidensohn yadmoshe at 012.net.il
Sun Dec 3 13:01:52 PST 2006

R. david guttmann wrote:
> The problem that we have is with the "kach vekach" and I believe it
> refers to what they heard from Moshe. In other words when Moshe said to them
> "Kach vekach" they understood that it was coming from hashem.
> This is further supported by MN 1:33 where he says" vehu hakol asher hissig
> moshe vechol ysrael mimenu anochi velo yehyeh lecha, ve'hishmiam Moshe et
> zeh bemilim bechituch otyot hanishmaot" in other words they apprehended that
> God told Moshe to tell them something but the content was given by Moshe.
Your approach has one major problem. The Rambam in Yesodei HaTorah is 
asserting that Moshe was validated - not by miracles - but because they 
all heard Gd speaking to him. This point is also made by the Rashba and 
the Ohr HaChaim. If Moshe merely reported what he had heard - there is 
no basis for validation. Similarly the position expressed in Moreh 
Nevuchim  that the people did not hear Gd speaking is criticized by the 
Avodas HaKodesh and the Shaloh for not providing any basis of validiation.

In sum. Yesodei HaTorah says that Moshe was validated by the fact that 
the people heard Gd speaking to him. Moreh Nevuchim says that they 
didn't hear Gd speaking - and thus there was no validation. You are 
asserting that Yesodei HaTorah has to be understood as being consistent 
with Moreh Nevuchim - which destroys any basis for validation of Moshe. 
Thus the problem remains.

Daniel Eidensohn

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