[Avodah] Schooling for women (was 12 steps)

menucha menu at inter.net.il
Fri Oct 13 05:39:32 PDT 2006

I must say that I have never understood using this piece of Gemara as an 
argument for women learning Torah Shebeal Peh.  This is saying that 
everyone was conversant in the pertinent Halachot of Tuma and Tahara, 
halachot that women specifically have to be familiar with (Vesafra la et al)
It would be like saying that today every one would know the laws of 
Kashrut.  Amazingly admirable, but by no means proving one way or the 
other as far as women and Torah Shebeal Peh.
Interesting teshuva on this point in Tzitz Eliezer 9,3
chag sameach

> <toramada at bezeqint.net> wrote:
>>I must say that this has always bothered me. The idea that
>>teaching women Yiddishkeit in an organized way is only b/c of
>>"sha'at had'chak".
>>Even more so, after learning the G'mara that in the time of
>>Chizkiya, when they checked, they couldn't find a "Tinok o
>>Tinoket" who didn't know all Torah SheBe'al Peh including Tohorot.

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