[Avodah] undeserved punishment?

Shmuel Weidberg ezrawax at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 10:36:31 PST 2006

Kevan shenitan reshus lemashchis... So long as there is a significant
number of people who truly deserve punishment, then Hashem will allow
a blunt instrument to kill them even though it may kill undeserving
people as well.

I think according to the strictest sense of midas hadin and kol
yisroel arevim zeh lazeh, then we are all deserving of misah if anyone
in klal yisroel does an aveirah. Like we find with Achan and Ai.

So even though according to everyday standards of guilt we would not get
punished, once the decree of punishment has been pronounced, you have
to be absolutely spotless in order to escape punishment, and that is
impossible so long as anybody has done an aveirah, because there is
always some way with near super human effort that you could have
prevented it.


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