[Avodah] Fwd: Kissing Places In A Sefer Torah

SBA sba at sba2.com
Sat Dec 9 20:04:15 PST 2006

From: RallisW at aol.com
Does anyone know where the Lubavitch minhog of touching one's tzitzis  to
both the begining and end of an Aliyoh comes  from?

Presumably you are referring to sweeping the Tallis over the 
section being layned - before and after the brochos.

AFAIK, this is not an excludive Lubavitch minhag, but done by all.

See Shaarei Efrayim (Shaar 4:3 - and also mentioned in 4:17 
giving a  reason for it)  saying that it is a 'minhag vasikin'.

However it seems to mention this only before the first brocho -
and not the last.

The Munkatcher Rav zt'l in his Nimukei OCh (s.139) strongly 
disapproves of this, vezeh leshono: 
"...aderaba gorem harbeh kilkul leST..." and 
"...kamo pe'amim biseforov hayekorim mevi minhagim she'einom 
rak minhag am haaretz me'iroy...bimechilas kevod Toroso...gormo 
lehachriv harbeh ST ulemoch'kon ad sh'hevion liy'dei psul, Hashem 


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