[Avodah] Fw: Yaakov kissing Rachel

SBA sba at sba2.com
Sat Dec 2 18:50:09 PST 2006

From: SBA sba at sba2.com

1) Kissing your 5 year old cousin is no big deal (especially when you are
well past the pension age.)
2) At the time (when Yaakov as makming the'deal' with Lavan)
she was a 'ketana' (only 5 years old) - 7 years later she was no longer a
'ketana' but (still) ''hatze'iro'.

Off list comment:

The Ramban says on this pasuk that she was a ketanah that's may be why he
was allowed to kiss her.
Also the Bnei Yisoschor has a slightly chasidishe pshat about the kiss, that
when Yaakov saw Rochel, he saw a ''chefetz shel mitzvah'', ie,that he will
be able to be mekayem the mitzvah of "piryeh verivyeh" - thus when he
kissed her it was like kissing a sefer torah- and he was  kissing
 the ''chefzteh" of the mitzvah.  ayin shom.


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