[Avodah] What is the source of Chasidim to have hakafos on SA night?

Dov Kay dov_kay at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Oct 30 05:57:21 PST 2006

<<I don't even own a copy not to find. However, I recall seeing a long list 
ta'uyos soferim, and around 10% or so lead to differences lema'aseh. Perhaps
someone who owns a copy can fill in the gaps in my memory.>>

I have not seen this sefer, but isn't the custom of refraining from eating 
milk and fish together based on a to'us soferim in the Shulchan Aruch.  I 
understand that some Chasidim are quite makpid about this. Is this not an 
example of a minhag Yisroel being based on a to'us soferim?

Kol tuv
Dov Kay

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