T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Mon Oct 9 13:35:22 PDT 2006

From:  "Cantor Wolberg" _cantorwolberg at cox.net_ 
(mailto:cantorwolberg at cox.net) 

>>The  very last letter of the Torah is lamed and the very first letter is 
The two letters together form the word Lev, "heart."

In order for  the heart to be complete and whole, there is no break between 
the end of the  Torah and the beginning.  Bereshis follows D'vorim with no  
If there were a break, it would break both the heart of the  A-mighty, as 
well as the Jewish People.

Now, in reverse, you would have  "bal" (bet, lamed) meaning "don't" or "not". 

In Eliyahu Kitov's Sefer Haparshios he says that the letters beis and lamed  
-- "bal" -- suggest that a person must be an anav in order to accept the 
Torah,  self-negating.  You need both lev and bal -- lev he defines as a desire for 
 emes, and bal as humility.

--Toby  Katz
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