[Avodah] break on yom kippur

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 12:01:45 PDT 2006

I found a hint to making a break during the Yom Kippur tefillah

The Mishnah says that after the lottery the goat to Azazal was sent
to the desert 12 mil (about 12 kilometers) away.
The Cohen Gadol would not begin the next activity of reading from
the Torah until he heard that the goat was in the desert and according
to most opinions this was until the goat was thrown off the cliff.

Walking one mil takes 18-24 minutes. Given the conditions of the desert
and having the goat I assume I assume at least 20 minutes for 1 mil.
So 12 mil takes 4 hours and possibly longer (the ish itti could have a
bite to eat or rest at succot along the way)

Hence, in the middle of the avodah on yom kippur there was a break of
at least 4 hours. I assume the Cohen Gadol rested I have not seen
any discussion what the other priests and the general population did
during the break

(maybe thats when they danced with the young ladies? -)

Eli Turkel

Eli Turkel
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