[Avodah] Changing Nusach heTefilah

Michael Poppers via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Nov 12 10:08:54 PST 2015

In Avodah V33n143, R'Micha asked:
> Is there a difference between a few retail changes like those above,
and a wholesale change in nusach -- like the mass change to Sfard or Ari? <
I suspect R'Micha was asking in a semi-rhetorical fashion while implying,
via what he wrote before asking that Q, that the answer is no.  Regardless,
my 1st thought is that the answer should be "it depends".  Sometimes, as
when the #words in the given stanza is considered key to a deeper
understanding and/or *kavvannah*, e.g. the section which immediately
follows *q'riyas Shma* in Shacharis [100 words through "zulasecha"], a
seemingly-minor change is significant, perhaps as significant as the order
of *p'suqei d'zimra*; sometimes, when we're all still basically "on the
same page", e.g. the differing *nuscha'os* in *bircas haminim* or whether
the last *b'rachah* in the Amidah for Shabbos Minchah is "Sim Shalom" or
"Shalom Rav", I would suggest the change is not the same as a "wholesale
change in nusach".

P.S. Dare I introduce using a "daka"-*aleph* vs. a "daka"-*heih* *seifer
Torah* into the conversation?

All the best from
*Michael Poppers* * Elizabeth, NJ, USA
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